Montessori 1st Operations - addition & subtraction made simple app for iPhone and iPad
An Amazing app dedicated to the discovery of additions & subtractions, for children 5 to 8 years!
- Featured in iTunes!
Want to build a solid math foundation for your children?
Montessori 1st Operations is a revolutionary app allying a 100 year old proven pedagogy with the best of 21st Century technology and fun monsters to introduce 4 very important concepts (addition, subtraction, doubles/halves, odd/even).
It offers a clear and simple approach to first operations that will change the way children see math forever, whether they use it in class or at home. Weve implemented a dynamic progression algorithm that follows each users progress and adapts the games according to their level.
Recommended ages: 5 to 8
Key Features:
- Play with Montessori materials: number rods and counters
- Learn Math on an interactive app with charming graphics!
- Master on addition and subtraction through a natural progression with numbers from 1 to 99!
- Get into multiplication and division using the concepts of double and half!
- Launch the playbox, who contains lots of games!
- Have fun with the “Monster lab”, creating your own monster !
• Designed by teachers.
• Safe for kids! Absolutely no third-party ads!
Download 1st Operations now, and be ready to become unbeatable at math!
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If you have questions or comments on our app, please email us at: [email protected] as
we cannot answer reviews left in iTunes.
As a MOMs with Apps member, we follow the "Know whats inside" best practices for kids’ apps
We take personal data protection very seriously. When using our app, your child will never come across:
- advertising
- in-apps
- links to social networks
- personal data request
Pros and cons of Montessori 1st Operations - addition & subtraction made simple app for iPhone and iPad
Montessori 1st Operations - addition & subtraction made simple app good for
My 4 1/2 yo loves this app! She is motivated and feels accomplished when she solves a question and gets points to acquire more monster parts. Admittedly, her favorite thing to do is blow them up, but in the interim she has mastered simple addition and is now learning simple subtraction, simple division (halves, quarters, etc) and is curious about even and odd numbers. This app has supported her learning with me - mostly because the app is as tireless as she is and there are only so many times I can set up objects for her to calculate before I reach my limit.
I like that I can customize her learning so that its appropriate to her level - shes not yet ready for double digits. She was getting frustrated using big sisters profile so I made a new one for her where she has built her confidence and looks forward to her time on the iPad so she can play her monster math game.
All in all, I have no complaints - rare indeed for an expensive app. Its stable and responsive on our iPad 2 and my iPhone 6P. The music/audio is pleasant and not annoying.
Love love love!
We love this app. Also Edoki team is super kind team. They helped me immediately when I needed support . Their apps are little bit heavy so its better to close other tasks moving on background. This app is worth its price.
Some bad moments
My 5yo gave up in frustration after about 10min. Should not have been approved by Apple. Buyer beware.
I love the way addition, subtraction and some other math concepts are explained - easy to understand for every kid. Game instructions are co clear! But the coolest idea is earning points in games to make monsters! A good collection of math games with huge educational value and a creativity game as a bonus! Recommend!
Montessori 1st Operations is a wonderful teaching tool for mathematical concepts focusing on: addition, subtraction, odds, evens, and halving numbers. Through visual cues and engaging animations, children will learn to process fundamental mathematical computations in a more meaningful manner. I recommend this product happily and suggest it for emerging learners as well as students who may be struggling with these core concepts. ~reviewed by LSAppleby
Three key areas of math to learn in this well done and thought out app! Addition, Subtraction and Odd/Evens & 1/2 fractions. Use the interactive addition and subtraction tables to practice math facts or choose the play box to access the fun math games! Add user profiles and save information on your student/childs learning. the visual support in this math app is outstanding and will aid any user with comprehension of learning basic math operations. Definitely a good one to add to your academic math apps! ACTbyJackieBryla
Love how they explaine everything so clear for the kids. and love the idea of learning points in the game to make monsters well done app very fun but educational
This app is top notch! Beautifully designed, user-friendly (especially for the target age) w/impeccable customer assistance! (I had an issue resolved w/i minutes of emailing the company). Get this app! You AND your little will be glad you did!
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and other. So, download free Montessori 1st Operations - addition & subtraction made simple .ipa to run this nice iOS application on iPhone and iPad.